Hubert Neau, Founder
Wide range of technical skills, Specialist in Project Management, Industrial Facilities, Aggregates Processing, Performance Improvement, Training and Education, Investment Appraisal, Technical Due Diligence, Electrical & Automation; Financial acumen
Ingénieur Arts et Métiers (ENSAM)
DEA Génie Electrique et Instrumentation-Paris VI
Languages: French - English - German - Spanish
Professional Experience
June 2007 - May 2011 Senior Project Manager, at HOLCIM Group Support (Switzerland),
September 2000- May 2007 Project Manager (Crushing & Screening Systems) at Metso Minerals,
June 1998- August 2000 Area Manager Product Support (Europe)with Nordberg Bergeaud SA
January 1996 - June 1998 General Sales Manager with Nordberg China Ltd (Hong Kong)
1989 - December 1995 Sales Support to Nordberg Germany sales unit,
1985 -end of 1988 Operation Engineer with Total Afrique (subsidiary of Total CFP).

Liubov Kalinkina, Co-Founder, Marketing and Strategic Development
Certified marketing professional (Nederland’s University of marketing, NIMA-B) with over 15 year experience in marketing and business development, having strong analytical and marketing skills and capabilities, cross-functional understanding of business, covering broad range of experience and projects (strategy, competitor analysis, financial business valuation, risk management assessment, marketing research & analysis, marketing plans elaboration and implementation, trade marketing activities etc) on different markets (construction materials, cosmetics & perfumery, telecommunications, lighting equipment, trade shows and exhibitions etc.).
National Research University Higher School of Economics (Moscow), Sociologist
National Research University Higher School of Economics (Moscow), Interpreter, English
Languages Russian- French- English-Spanish
Professional experience covers various types of companies and diverse activities