Performance in any industry does not come by accident: it must be built, sustained and sometimes restored.
Be it a project of a new plant construction or lack of performance of the existing operations we provide various types of services
Project management
New Plant Construction

New plant construction is a complex process which should include carefull planning, modeling, engineering, negotiations with multiple suppliers, personnel training, commissioning. Sometimes companies lack of expertise and global view that's why outsorcing is a way to successful project realisation. We will take care of necessary steps, from initial ideas to commissioning. For many years we use proven over time methodology of Project Management that includes following stages:
Project definition- business case creation “what are we up to and do we have a solid business case supporting the project?” This critical phase includes, but is not limited to:
Plant sizing
Preliminary engineering design (flow diagram/layout/equipment selection)
Cost estimate (plant and infrastructure)
Revenue streams (sales by product/prices)
Financial valuation: NPV/IRR/PayBack
Project Planning -turning the concept defined in previous phase into a viable technical solution backed up with realistic cost estimate
Project Execution -turning the plan into reality.
Project Completion- comisisoning, validation performances versus plan, and hand over to operation
Project Evaluation & Transfer
Capitalize experience: what has gone well (or not), what did we learn, structured AAR (After Action Review), what must be kept and recorded for further projects.
Performance improvement

Before granting funds for an investment or construction of a new facility, or in times of capital expenditures limitation, it is often required to demonstrate that the existing facility is operating at its optimum: this is where performance improvement projects usually take place.
The focus areas of performance improvement:
Marketing, sales and distribution, including logistics
Management and organisation
Extraction and mining methods
Processing performance and efficiency, including energy efficiency
The method is to scrutinize systematically and methodically all costs and revenues items to improve the financial performance of an operation or a group of operations.
Depending on the scope and targets, those performance improvement projects can range from “limited quick fix actions” to “deep, thorough and fully comprehensive reviews”.
In any case, the outcome is a formalized list of committed actions to be performed by the personnel of the targeted organization and a follow up to actually capture the identified improvements to the bottom line.
Maintenance system

To avoid having to spend money purchasing new assets, make sure that you get the best of those you already have
Many operations could greatly benefit from simple, hands on, proven in the field tools to develop the maintenance system they need. Not a fancy and complicated system requiring specialized computer software or high profile IT developments. In most cases, simple documents and processes applied by well trained operators can do the job and provide visibility, control, and significant improvements associated with cost savings
Technical Documentation

Be it in paper or electronic form, an adapted documentation greatly participates to the performance of an operation.
understandable, comprehensive and convenient to search.
provides quick access to relevant information for trouble shooting, maintenance and operation, some of the keys to operational….and financial performance
this is the image of the company in front of its clients.
We create directly or translate technically specialized documents in or between
French, English, German, Spanish and Russian.

Improving performance has many aspects, and one of them is knowledge and skills. The material “knowledge, skills and competencies” though has some kind of a specific feature…..giving some does not decrease your available stock, it increases it as it increases the stock of the one receiving it!
Trained personnel, an expert eye, will react and adapt faster to changing environment, take the proper measure or decision, and thus contribute to a higher performance level.
We create and deliver specific, specialized training programs, tailored to your needs, from hands-on in the field to management level about Marketing or Finance, in 5 languages.
project management
equipmen selection (types and features)
industrial marketing
process design
process optimization
process automation
economical calculations and financial modeling in aggregate and mining business
Personnel Training, Education and Coaching
Additional Services

Depending on the situation your company is in and the needs it has at the moment it might not require big and expensive interventions then we will also be happy to help you with:
Practical and direct support to the international developmentof your business
Due Diligence before assets sale/ purchase
Industrial Assets evaluation, optimization and revealing the prospects for development; procurement support
Marketing (market study and analysis (general situation, market trends, competitive analysis, segmentation, SWOT etc.), business and marketing plans creation, financial modeling
Translations (technical documentation, reports, presentations, commercial materials, business correspondence etc.)
Russian <-> English
French <-> German
French <-> Spanish
Proof- reading and editing already created documents
Contract negotiation
Import/export support